EmergingTech from Japan

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Global Consortia - September 2014

Sep 30 Ualbany Governor Cuomo Announces Japan's New Energy and Industrial Development Organization to Invest in Emerging Technologies at the SUNY CNSE 'Zero Energy Nano' Building
Sep 30 NMI NMI Announce Plan to Expand FPGA Network in UK and Eire
Sep 30 SEMATECH Kurita Joins SEMATECH to Advance Wafer Surface Contamination and Cleaning Technology in Semiconductor Processing Applications
Sep 29 Holst Centre Evonik and Holst Centre enter next phase of joint partnership introducing iXsenic technology into mass production
Sep 29 IME A*STAR's Institute of Microelectronics and Murata Collaborate to Advance MEMS Technology
Sep 23 Ualbany Governor Cuomo Announces New SolarCity GigaFactory Complex at RiverBend
Sep 23 Imec KYOCERA joins imec's industrial affiliation program on advanced silicon solar cell technology
Sep 23 SRC Protecting Our Processors: NSF and SRC announce research awards to 10 universities for Secure, Trustworthy, Assured and Resilient Semiconductors and Systems
Sep 22 Imec Imec and RENA Develop a New Low-Cost Texturing Process for High Efficiency PERC Solar Cells
Sep 22 Imec Imec Demonstrates Organic Photovoltaics Modules Showing Excellent Optical Properties and High Efficiencies
Sep 19 Ualbany SUNY Announces $710,000 for Materials and Advanced Manufacturing Research by Students and Faculty
Sep 16 Imec Luceda Photonics receives growth finance for the development and marketing of its advanced framework for photonic IC design
Sep 15 Ualbany Partnership with Graphene Frontiers Creates Jobs and Investment at Albany NanoTech Complex
Sep 10 Leti Leti and LUCIOM Focusing on High-data-rate Bidirectional Transceivers for Enriched LiFi Applications
Sep 9 SRC MIT and Stanford Professors Recognized at Annual SRC TECHCON Event for Advancing Chip Research

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