ISSM AI Solution Contests

ISSM SEM Image Classification AI Algorithm Contest

This contest aims to broaden the scope of practical research and development through the trial using actual data generated at the semiconductor manufacturing. This contest competes the algorithm for "defect/particle classification in SEM images" that is essential for improving the yield of semiconductor manufacturing. Approximately 4,00 particle SEM images occurred in actual semiconductor manufacturing will be provided through the cooperation by ISSM committee members. The contest participants are required to create a learning model that automatically classifies about the defect/particle SEM images. The particle area identification and classification accuracy by the applicants will be reviewed comparing with the classified list made by professional engineers in semiconductor manufacturing.


Entry has been closed



Upload your abstract (word file in ISSM template) to the following Drop Box.
The file Name must have your team name.
eg. Team-ISSM. docx
ISSM SEM Image Classification AI Algorithm Contest

Schedule (The deadline has been extended)

Award and Award Examination Guidelines

Award: The Best Excellent Award and The Technical Awards will be recognized at the Award Ceremony during ISSM 2020 conference period (December 15-16, 2020).